Tuesday, 23 May 2023

How Lidl Lost A Customer

From Facebook archives
 23 May 2012 at 12:29
Just got back from Lidl where I had the following conversation with the (male) till operative.
Him, passing my purchases past the beam, 
"We'll put all these straight in the trolley then you can pack them up on the packing shelf" (which is, by the way, about 4ft off the floor and only a 12 inches wide)
Me, shaking open my shopping bag, putting it in the trolley and proceeding to pack, "Oh no we won't."
"But those are the rules."
"I'm the one paying for it - we'll do it my way."
Huffily "Well if anything falls off and smashes we can't reimburse it."
"That's never happened in the years I've been shopping here so it's unlikely to happen today."
As Fester, who thankfully stood by wordlessly witnessing this exchange, said 
"You never get that crap off the lasses."
I might not have been so stroppy (say nothing) but the till operative was hugely officious and entirely charmless.
Mrs Strawangel  W⚓!
Sienna Pond  Pahahahaha!! This my dear, is why I love u!!!! Xxxx
KingsmenCameraman  Does that mean that Lidl do reimburse customers if items fall off their packing shelf and get smashed?
I have not shopped in that branch of Lidl since, and was only persuaded into a new (nearer) one by Thunderthighs when it opened four years ago.  I still pack my way.

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