Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Cat tale #8 Matilda Memory

Thunderthighs insists both cats are in or he can't sleep so always ensures Felix is in before he goes to bed, preferably on the spare sleeping bags in the loft. 
Matilda then gets Mic, me or David to let her out. 
Which means I need to get her in before retiring. 
But first of course we have to have a little snail hunting walk around the garden or she won't come quietly.
Tonight the bluebells are in full fragrant flow and I got the first spicy waft of the Blodfa honeysuckly by the back gate.
Matilda is now sitting purring at my elbow and when I go to bed will lie beside me for most of the night.
As a kitten she wouldn't be picked up, or sit on a lap, and hardly allowed herself to be stroked (she bit Bazoukiboy ). In the past few years she's become a complete snugglepus.
FifiD I'm hoping our cat Silvia will grow old in the same way. Has never been a lap cat. X
Mrs Melodeon It is amazing how they change when they get older.
Mr Brown What's "Blodfa honeysuckly"?
Bentonbag Blodfa was my home in Wales. Honeysuckly was a serendipitous typo
Mr Brown I thought you were swearing in Welsh again.
Bentonbag Mynnyffarni and twlldynbobsais is swearing in Welsh.
Matilda 1999-2016 

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