dementia dolly dressed, but Rosie and Violet will stay with me until this
present unpleasantness is over.
anyone know if Sainsbury's sell elastic, and if so whereabouts would I
find it?
The Squireen If they do it will be at the end of an aisle..
Bentonbag I thought so but there's a lot of aisles. I know whereabouts to find them in Tesco but don't fancy the drive.
The Squireen Have a change of shop easy to get to now there are traffic lights on the junction.
Bentonbag It's not me - it's Thunderthighs. I used to go to Tesco with Ferretfingers after Flower Arranging but the broken ankle and present unpleasantness has put an end to that.
The Squireen Why elastic anyway?
Bentonbag Doll's knickers.
The Squireen Ah. I may have some bits. I will look tomorrow text me to remind me.
Pinkitchen There's normally a little sewing bit/stand by the pharmacy :).
Mrs Jeremy If I had had any in my sewing box, you would have been more than welcome to it but sadly, I don't have any elastic so can't help, unfortunately.
Mrs Quilt It will be in the stands at the ends of the aisles near to the check outs. It is in little blister packs in a pretty minimal haberdashery. They only have narrow knicker elastic width.
Kentishlady If you need wide elastic, I have some you are welcome to. It's black though.
Bentonbag Not at the moment thanks. The Squireen has just dropped off some dolly sized bits.
The Squireen If they do it will be at the end of an aisle..
Bentonbag I thought so but there's a lot of aisles. I know whereabouts to find them in Tesco but don't fancy the drive.
The Squireen Have a change of shop easy to get to now there are traffic lights on the junction.
Bentonbag It's not me - it's Thunderthighs. I used to go to Tesco with Ferretfingers after Flower Arranging but the broken ankle and present unpleasantness has put an end to that.
The Squireen Why elastic anyway?
Bentonbag Doll's knickers.
The Squireen Ah. I may have some bits. I will look tomorrow text me to remind me.
Pinkitchen There's normally a little sewing bit/stand by the pharmacy :).
Mrs Jeremy If I had had any in my sewing box, you would have been more than welcome to it but sadly, I don't have any elastic so can't help, unfortunately.
Mrs Quilt It will be in the stands at the ends of the aisles near to the check outs. It is in little blister packs in a pretty minimal haberdashery. They only have narrow knicker elastic width.
Kentishlady If you need wide elastic, I have some you are welcome to. It's black though.
Bentonbag Not at the moment thanks. The Squireen has just dropped off some dolly sized bits.
Dr E: If you still want doll’s knicker elastic I can send you a couple of yards. Over the years I hoard sewing stuff from Lidl. I now have plenty of elastic for homemade masks but the smallest stuff is too small but ideal for dolls knickers. About 1/4 inch wide. It just wouldn’t do to have knickerless dolls that’s the first thing people look for.
Bentonbag: Oo yes please..
Dr E: My husband doesn’t believe me that one of the first things one does when looking at a doll is to inspect her knickers.
Bentonbag: That's men for you. You can always tell the quality of a dressed doll by her knickers. When I was little Bigsister brought me one from Paris that has turquoise silk knickers with a lace border. Maybe they think it's pervy if a bloke does it?
Dr E: That’s exactly what he said.
I found the knicker elastic section
during the big shop but it was empty: all gone for facemasks I suppose.
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