Sunday, 17 May 2020

Do Not Go Gentle

From Facebook, almost twenty two years after losing my first husband.

Just watched the excellent but, for me, gruelling "Dylan Thomas: A Poet in New York" on BBC2.

"Do not go gentle" always raises images of my last moments with Phil;
which tear me to tears and wrack me to sobs,
probably because the lines came into my mind at the time.

Ferretfingers looked up from his laptop and said "Oh poor Mum".

Talking to his dad at bedtime he got quite upset, Fester asked him what was wrong and he told him Mummy had been sad.

So much for autistic people having no empathy or sympathy.

Kentishlade Everyone is unique - no matter what label has been put on them.
Mrs Poet "Poor Mum" had me wet- eyed, Big hug,

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