On Friday my friend Currynapper* put this photo on Facebook with the
"For some reason,
I'm quite satisfied by this.”
This led to quite
a long thread, including a side thread (fibre?)
Elswitch Thanks to Bentonbag we now
have them all growing in the garden. We were missing the
sage until Fester abused their sage bush!
Ooo Matron - that sounds slightly saucy to me.
Are you growing them in the right order Bentonbag?
They're scattered all over. Not sure the parsley will make it
though, need to get another pot from Sainsbury's or elsewhere.
Currynapper From left to right ish - Rosemary, Thyme,
Parsley Sage.
My parsley is also looking a little sad.
Cavalier Bentonbag are the
cats eating it? I gave up on parsley when I discovered it was the cat eating
it. I'd been blaming the slugs.
Never seen a cat or a slug eating parsley. Basil, on the other hand, can only be grown in
the house as even if it's in a pot 3ft off the ground the molluscs get it.
Here are my herbs.
My Dad used to say “Parsley seeds go down to the Devil seven times
before they grow”. It’s a bugger to
germinate and if they do you end up with a feast or a famine, then the chef
forgets where they are and never picks any.
Last year I got pots of curly and flat leaf, repotted them in much
bigger pots with very richly fertilized compost and put them on a table outside
the kitchen door. They thrived and were
I had hoped to keep this one going
a second year and have repotted it again, but it’s not looking very good so
I keep looking for more on the
living herb shelf in the supermarket but no joy so far.
They say sage grows well in a home where the wife wears the trousers. This flourishing descendant of the
cuttings Dad gave me decades ago is actually growing in a large terracotta pot. Dad
said you should never let sage flower and I try not to but the flowers are
lovely. It’s very easy to propagate from
cuttings. Whenever any gets snapped off
I put it in a pot of very wet compost, and that in a receptacle full of
water. By the time the water has dried
up the sage has usually taken. I have a
pot of cuttings for Mrs Quilt when this present unpleasantness is over. There will doubtless be more breakages when I
pull that grass out, so there’ll be another pot rooting away soon.
This was grown from a cutting too, after a storm battered the previous
As you can see it likes the front garden and is flowering
like mad.
In a window-box and only recently acquired as a living herb pot. There was a lot of ornamental thyme growing in the front garden when I moved here (1987) but it has all been outgrown. I've had very little success trying to grow it by the drive, where it is sunny and dry. So I'm just hoping it will like it here.
*who's birthday it is today. Happy Birthday
*who's birthday it is today. Happy Birthday
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