Saturday, 16 January 2021

A Mother's Sympathy

Following on from yesterday’s escapade … from Facebook archive

16 January 2016 at 15:53 ·

Hopalong comes hobbling into the living room interrupting both my ironing and film. 

"Ring the doctors, I can't stand the pain any longer"

I ask if it's better or worse than yesterday and is the ankle support I gave him this morning is helping. 

Yes to both.

Then I suggest an ibruprofen tablet and gel (both of which we always have in the house). 

The gel he was happy to apply but he took an awful lot of persuading to swallow one tablet - which is probably a suitable dose for a tiny 12 year old and hardly affect his body mass at all.

The Squireen Squireson is still on calpol. He won't swallow tablets.

Bentonbag We've only just finished the last of the Calpol melts ...

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