Thursday, 29 February 2024

Cold Caller Baiting #30 Language!

WARNING – this post contains undeleted expletives and vulgarity unsuitable for the delicate minded.

Preparing the blog yesterday morning and at 07.45 the phone rang.

There was a satellite delay then an oriental male voice said “Hello?”
“Am I speaking to Miss Benton Bag?”
“Who are you?”
“I am calling you from Microsoft.”
“And who are you?”
“My name is Brad Stevens and I am calling you from Microsoft.”
(If his mother calls him Brad then I’m a Dutchman.)
“Where are you calling from?”
“I said I am calling you from Microsoft” slowly as if to an idiot or very old deaf person “Microsoft is a computing company.”
“I heard that my patronising friend and I know what Microsoft is.  Where are you calling me from geographically?”
“I am calling you from Microsoft Computing, one hundred Valley Park, Reading, RG6 1WZ.”
“And what is the weather like there in Reading this morning?”
“What!  You want a weather report!  If you want a weather report call the weather service.  I am calling you from Microsoft!”
“Well you called me so I can ask you whatever I like really, and I don’t really believe you are calling me from Reading.”
“Fucking bitch” repeated several times.
As those who know me (and have read I am unmoved by foul language and can dole it out quite imaginatively myself when the situation demands - and sometimes when it doesn’t.
“You do realise, darling, that using such language on the telephone is a criminal offence.”
“You know what you can do?  You can suck off my dick.  Fucking bitch…”
“You know what you sound like?  You sound like a whore …etc…”
“Well to me you sound like a very inadequate little man who is so small I doubt anybody could find your dick, let alone suck it.”
At which point he left the conversation.
I wandered into the bedroom where Fester lay watching Breakfast TV.
“It sounded like you held up your end quite well” he said by way of a compliment


Tuesday, 27 February 2024

A New Model

From Facebook Archives

28 February 2018 at 08:03
On a Wednesday Thunderthighs and I normally do the big shop in Tesco or Aldi after dropping Ferretfingers off at college for Recycled Art.  Decided we're not going out today but can send him up to the shops if we need anything.  His dad will start wingeing on about someone getting him the Guardian as soon as he surfaces.
Sheamus Murphy  Tell him he needs to join the 21st century and install the Guardian app like the rest of us! Particularly ideal for days like today.
Bentonbag  On what should he install it?   
His devices being limited to a laptop and a mobile which
a)  is never turned on
b)  he hasn't actually worked out how to text on
c)  doesn't do that sort of thing anyway
Sheamus Murphy  In that case, trade him in for a new model!
Float  They stopped making that model in the 50s!
Bentonbag  And I've already been forced to upgrade from a 1946 model.

Dishwasher Desire

From Facebook archives

27 February 2017 at 18:51
Recently I've been encouraging the boys to help with chores by putting dirty dishes into soapy water and getting them to wash them.  Ferretfingers is also very good at putting dry dishes away.
This afternoon, half way through Allotment Gardening, he came up and, looking me seriously in the eye, said "For my birthday in July I want a dish-washing-machine."
See also:-


Monday, 26 February 2024

His Welsh Heritage

Yesterday I replaced the leaking water-butt by the garage.

I scraped out the accumulated earth and stuff that was under/beside/around the old water butt, put the stand together and in place, and stood the new water butt on it.

As anticipated the top is now much higher than the old one so the down-comer from the gutter won't feed into it.
I now need Will Fixit to:  get a suitably bent feed-in pipe; drill a hole in the lid and fit the feed-in pipe; drill a hole in the side for the overflow pipe (there is one) and fit the overflow pipe so it drips/flows into frogpond #2.  Preferably sometime before we need to start watering stuff.

I asked Thunderthighs to clear all the stuff that was growing in the middle raised beds so that we can plant the ffa.  He also found a lot of last year’s parsnips we missed because of the comfrey, teasles etc. which we had with the Fester cooked roast chicken tea.

By the bower behind Thunderthighs you may be able to see the tete-a-tete daffodils which have come up.  Sadly my waterbutt work meant I trod on a few.  

When I asked how he was getting on he replied 
"Fine; except for the fact you've been trampling on my Welsh heritage."


 Ffa – what the Welsh call broad beans and Hannibal Lector called fava beans

Sunday, 25 February 2024

Signs of Spring?

From Facebook Archives

25 February 2011 at 13:11
Washing out on the line for the first time this year - expect rain soonest
Miss Fiddle  I was in 2 minds whether to put mine out - chickened out in the end!
Bentonbag  My luck's holding so far.  Just been to Tesco and got seeds: broad bean, pumpkin, squash, lettuce, cress and sunflower; spring is nearly almost here!
Woolerwoman  Haven't quite got round to putting out washing just yet but was quite tempted over the last 2 days - At least we've got snowdrops and crocuses out now in Alnwick so spring not far away!

This year I have had the washing out with limited drying success.  The tete-a-tete daffodils are flowering, the hyacinths in the front garden are almost there and the snowdrops are looking quite sulky at losing their solo spot in the limelight.