Friday, 11 February 2022


From Facebook archives
11 February 2016 ·
Feeling emotionally exhausted after filling out the Parent/Carer's bit of Thunderthighs's ECHP Application (a bit like a Statement of Special Needs) and getting him to do the Child/Young Person's views bit. 
It seems a bit early for Gin ....
Mrs Lasagne   It's just never easy is it Ben xxxxx love and hugs.
Polyrunner   Never too early – 
it’s always 5 o'clock somewhere as they say.
Kentishlady  I remember a friend saying she couldn't work out what she was being asked.  The two of us managed it together, but when you think that between us we had 
1 BA, 1 BSc, 1 Ph.D. and she was a university lecturer, it does make you wonder how anyone manages it.  This was a few year ago, but I doubt they have made it any clearer!
Ms Delune  Thank goodness we don't have this; my son's current view is that we should all just accept he's better than us and let him do as he wishes to whom he wishes, because we are inferior.  Hugs, Ben.
Pink Kitchen  Did you get it done?  I have no doubt you are more than able but if you want any assistance, I do a lot of the buggers!
Bentonbag  To be honest it was getting Thunderthighs to think about and write something that was the hardest bit - and no it wasn't really clear what they wanted.
Tylebach  What is the purpose of the ECHP if you don't mind me asking?
Bentonbag  It's so that they can get personal support for him next year if he continues onto the Access to Higher Education course i.e. the equivalent of A'levels.  I have to say Newcastle College's autism support unit/lady has been really proactive for Thunderthighs
Tylebach  Ah ok, thanks you for telling me, I always found my boy's DLA application heartbreaking but I suppose real eh? It's good to hear the positivity xx
Bentonbag  I'm lucky, NTyneside sent me a lovely lady to do Ferretfingers's Pip and ESA and my Carer's Allowance - I'm not sure whether it's in their remit but the social and other workers do seem to do their best to make sure people claim.  Mind you I'm sort of girding my loins at the moment as I want to change where Ferretfingers goes on a Thursday so that's going to be a couple of uncomfortable conversations ....

Glossary for those fortunate enough not to have to deal with such things

ECHP Education Care & Health Plan
DLA Disability Living Allowance
PIP Personal Independence Payment
ESA Employment Support Allowance


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