Thursday, 3 February 2022

Make Do And Mend

Fanny Och, the needlework teacher at Llandeilo Grammar and Tregib Comprehensive, instilled in me a belief I was no good at sewing and a pathological hatred of sewing machines. Thank God she never attempted to teach me to crochet or knit.
From Facebook archives

3 February 2020 at 19:38

Today I got the sewing machine out and:   

repaired a pair of Thunderthighs's underpants, pyjama bottoms and trousers; 

repaired a pair of Ferretfingers's pyjama bottoms; 

sewed the pocket and lining of my favourite coat which I've had since Ferretfingers started nursery school;

took in the waist of a pair of my jeans; 

turned the collar of an M&S polycotton shirt of Phil's which I love and wear a lot, and can now keep wearing; 

swore a lot.  

Meanwhile there was a load of washing on and goose stew and a portion of stewed apple defrosting ready to be turned into tea (the apple became a delicious crumble).   

And I did a load of ironing as I had the board out as part of the make'n'mend session.  

I think I've earned my glass of sherry with Vera.

Ms Exlibris You are a domestic goddess!!
Bentonbag By the way I didn't make the crumble, Fester did.
Ms Exlibris That does not lessen my admiration.
Mrs Lasagne Bentonbag you are truly amazing !well done ! You put me to shame xxxx
Bentonbag And there's more ... today (Monday) I: 
patched and repaired two pairs of Thunderthighs's jeans and a pair of 'chinos'; 
reseamed a blouse of which I am too fond to put in the rag-bag; 
re-pocketed one of Fester's trousers by grafting a pocket cut out of a pair I've given up on onto the one he's made holes in with his pens; 
converted an old bathsheet into 3 large handtowels/bathmats.  
I'm now thinking about a red and white polka dot sundress, which I last remember wearing on holiday with Phil in 1987, and wondering about converting it into a pinny and peg-bag.  I really need a new peg-bag.
Mrs Lasagne  How wonderful are you xxxx. I love people who do this mum brought us up like this we remade clothes and made do and looked like the best dressed children in the street xxxxx
Mrs Allotment  Much more of this and you'll really need a new sewing machine! 
I'm very impressed with all your upcycling (formerly known as thrift) you have way more patience than me 😁
Bentonbag No Mrs Allotment - I think I'm just more tight fisted

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