Sunday, 27 February 2022

History Repeating

From Facebook archives
27 February 2018 at 09:55 ·

Sometimes it's easier to communicate with Ferretfingers in writing. 

This is from yesterday evening.


The news recently has been causing considerable upset.


On Thursday night, just before bedtime, Ferretfingers plonked himself next to me and wailed "I'm upset by the Ukrainian invasion."   

We had a even more noise and stimming (humming, inchoate vocalisation and flapping) than usual before he finally settled down to sleep.  For the first time in years I sat and lay on the bed talking with him to try and calm him down.

Every now and again when he’s on his laptop he'll give a sudden howl of anguish.  When I go to investigate he’s watching some online news channel.

I am powerless to stop him, or to give him much comfort.

Compared to what thousands of people are going through our pain is minimal.

But it’s real pain nonetheless.


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