Wednesday, 20 April 2022


From Facebook Archiv

20 April 2009 at 20:41 ·

Have had to buy a new toaster as the old one went phutt this teatime.   
New one can hold 4 slices/crumpets.   
It will only lead to gluttony ...

20 April 2013 at 13:07

Operation spoil myself continues - have reclined on chaise-longue all morning reading a book - now to get dressed - I may go mad and put a dress on!

Drummerman  Steady on!

20 April 2016 at 09:31 ·

Thunderthighs has gone off to college wearing shorts. #Springishere

20 April 2019
I have spent most of today in 
Potted up 2 sunflowers that germinated on the front windowsill.   
Planted: the rest of the sunflower seeds; candytuft, cornflower, morning glory, love-in-a-mist (nigella for the purists), coriander, onion, basil and saved french marigold seeds.   Also two packets of mixed Bee-attracting and Meadow garden seeds.   
Those are now all on the top shelf of The Pottisserie.
Potted up all the plum, cherry and money-maker tomato seedlings that also germinated on the front windowsill.  They are now mostly back on windowsills until they're ready for a bit more hardening off.
Both our saved and Ouseburn farm's saved pumpkin seeds have come up, as have chilli and pepper seeds so there will be more potting on to do when I can find more windowsill space.
The ffa (broad beans), carrots and lettuce are all coming up in their various beds, so there will be watering to do tonight or tomorrow.
And Fester brought back some unidentified rockery plant which I shall have to sink into the drive.
Mrs Quilt - I should have some tomato and pumpkin seedlings for your son in a couple of weeks time. Also some other stuff - if it germinates.
Mrs Quilt  I bought some cherry tom seedlings that scorched in the back bay.  He has rescued them and is crowing!
Mrs Banjoman  We saw Fester and Ferretfingers on the bridge and he told us about the plants. But did not show them to us so they remain unidentified

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