Monday, 5 December 2022

Getting Organised

From Facebook Archives

5 December 2010 at 10:24 
"Sunday morning at 10 of the clock
Somebody hears the postman's knock"
OK misquote from the Larkrise to Candleford album but we've just had 4 parcels delivered by Royal Mail; Xmas gifts from my sister and stuff ordered from amazon for Xmas gifts.
What a nice surprise.
Henlady Parcels! We have had none for a fortnight and there are 15 stuck in the post.  Sulk !

5 December 2010 at 16:25  
Have written the first Christmas cards, wrapped the Christmas presents that need to be posted and updated the Xmas cards labels file. 
Smug or wot!
Ms LHS  Wish I was so organised - sitting here struggling with an assignment instead!
Tylebach  grrrrrrrrr!
Henlady  You are way ahead of me. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr But I shall make my rabbit happy tomorrow night when I start wrapping the presents.  He so loves to jump on the paper and nibble the boxes and labels!
Bentonbag I have a cat that loves to jump and chew on my yarn as I knit or crochet - I end up having to keep the ball in a pocket
Henlady Our Xmas tree is redecorated by the cats at night- the hall is tinselled and baubled randomly.  Does that ring bells ?
Bentonbag  The tree is still in the woods - surprisingly the cats haven't been that interested (in the past)
Dulcima Have been planning to do this, but have been full of cold so don't feel like it...

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