Christmas dinner, after ‘the cook’, Dad would ask us to raise our glasses in a toast
to “absent friends”. Mum and Dad lived
through, and served in the RAF in, World War Two and I think this was a particularly
poignant moment for them. I remember my
absent friends in another way.
Facebook archives
December 2019 at 16:43

someone I'm fond of passes away they join the band of angels on my Christmas
I was in a charity shop the other
day looking for one to represent Paula when I found this little teddy-head
candle holder.
She was an arctophile,
who collected, was given and made hundreds of teddies.
It started with the one 16E Richardson Road (the student flat we, Dr E, Dr D, Mrs Fitz, Peter Ceylon and others shared) gave
her as a 21st birthday present
I now have him.
This is now front and centre on the mantelpiece.
Her light will shine.
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