Friday, 10 July 2020

A Good Day

So far (I write at 4pm on Thursday) it’s been a good day chez Chateau Midden.

Emil turned up in good time and took Ferretfingers for a four mile walk.
This included a visit to him favourite shop for sugar free spearmint chews and a birthday card for his brother.

Middlesister’s parcel of birthday gifts and cards for the boys arrived safely, together with a surprise for me (more of that in a future blog).

A friend texted to tell me her daughter had been awarded a 2.1 BAHons degree.
This is a cause of particular joy as the daughter was a troubled teen; until someone had the wit to do blood and urine tests and discovered her mood swings were down to Type 1 Diabetes.  She’s worked hard through some bad times and I’m proud to know her.

Thunderthighs willingly went out on errands, including hand delivering a congratulations card.  While he was out both college and the work experience charity he’s involved with rang to see if he was interested in going back next term, and to check that we are all well.
My reply to both was “Yes but please phone back later, when he’s in, as I think it’s good for him to do as much talking for himself as possible.” 
Which they did, and it lifted my heart to hear him being so sensible and grown up on the telephone.  He’s a happier bunny knowing that sometime soon he’ll almost be back in the old routine.

College also emailed so I had to come and help him compose and send a reply; suggesting rather than dictating so that he learns how to do more things for himself.

So it looks as if he’ll have three days a week doing something useful next term.

I made 8 face coverings with straps made from kit-formed boxer-shorts’ waistbands and braces (suspenders for non-UK readers). The stripy stuff is from kit-formed boxer shorts. The floral material is from a dress originally bought in 1980/81. I loved it so much that when the bodice finally died (too tight/armpits damaged by antiperspirant) I made a pillow cover from the skirt, then homemade jampot covers, and now the remainder has been re-recycled into masks. Any bits of material left over are going to the charityshop ragbag, whenever it opens again.

And I have blogs ready written for the next couple of days.


PS Bedtime and all is still well

PPS Friday morning and all well or would be if my shower head would stop twisting itself to shower the windowsill rather than me standing in the bath.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you notice every day, but reading your blogs blog time it is outstanding how your boys are maturing and becoming more independent. You must be very proud of them.
