Saturday, 21 November 2020

Marie Curie Collecting

My doctor advised me to do “utterly frivolous” things, (see yesterday’s blog) but I’ve found doing things for other people is a very good way to “take you out of yourself”, as Mother used to say.

Anyway I’d promised.
From Facebook archive.

21 November 2012 at 16:15 · ·

Collected £68 for Marie Cure Cancer Care standing at the top of Northumberland St today.  Back tomorrow in bright yellow tabard and diddy-man hat.  Can be photographed for donations😉


STBeaverbrook  What'll a lollipop and a bag of sugared almonds get me? Hur Hur...
Bentonbag Arrested
STBeaverbrook  Might just pay a visit to the Toon tomorrow... with a camera.   Should be fun.  We used to dance on Durham Market square in early March for the same charity, and you know how chilly that place can be.  Good luck for tomorrow Ben.
Strawangel whoop whoop missus!!!! Well done you!!!! 😃
Hildie F Ah, so, so sorry I missed you, Ben..... I was in actual Northumberland Street this afternoon !!! I just didn't go any further up than Marks and Spencers. Doh!
St Bernard Is this your idea of spending some carefree you time?  I was thinking more along the lines of a massage & Turkish bath at the City Pool but each to their own 😜 xx
Bentonbag Actually it's great for the spirit.   
OK most people go past and ignore you but the most surprising people stop and give money unasked.   
So many people have been touched by cancer, or have a relative going through or lost to it, and they all say thank you.   
And, yes, you hear sad stories in sad voices and faces, but maybe telling someone who understands helps - for a moment at least.  
Then there's the people that make me smile.   
The beautiful young girl students (was I ever that lovely even at that age?).   
An exquisite young man in a red puffa jacket and pukkah green hunter wellies carrying an umbrella and an accent straight out of Made in Chelsea.   
The ones who say "just for wearing that hat" as they put a pound in or the man who said "you can take it off now you've won the bet."   
This morning I got requests for directions: two for Northumbria University; one for a restaurant; one for Newcastle Stadium (meaning St James' Park) and one lad desperate to find a bookies.  I mean - do I look like the sort of person who would know where the nearest bookies is?
I'm not sure whether I approve of you thinking of me having a massage and a Turkish bath St Bernard! 😃 You might go blind!
St Bernard Lol, just mentioned it because Isabel goes to the City Pool for 'em & recommends it  😃 Good going on the fundraising.  I couldn't possibly comment on the loveliness of the young student girls, I barely notice them


I don’t believe there will have been any daffodil street collections this year.

If you’ve enjoyed this blog, please think about making a donation to Marie Curie Cancer Care, or buying something from their online Christmas shop.

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