Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Cat Tales #19 Cat & Hog

From Facebook archives ...

30 November at 23:22 ·

The bad news is Teddycat hasn't come in since teatime to Thunderthighs's on a worry binge.
The good news is I discovered a small hedgehog by the back door when I went out looking for him.

Which explains why Teddy's been fascinated by the threshhold of the backdoor these past nights.

Mrs Lasage I hope Teddys home xxx

Mrs Leftfoot It was on the radio a few days ago about the huge number of hoglets still awake...
CMrs DeLune Get the small edgehog to the nearest rescue, it's too late for them otherwise (we've had to do this as well)

1 December at 09:29 · TEDDY UPDATE
About 23.45 I go out and do more whistling and hear a plaintive mew.   

I head towards it and there's more mewing.   
Open our garage door: nothing.   
Then realise it's coming from next door's garage and he went out at about the same time Ernextdoor gets home.  
Next door in darkness.   
Is she in bed or out?  
Either way rush into house and phone her landline (answering machine) and mobile (voice mail). Thunderthighs calls down "I can hear next door's garage door being opened."   
Rush down and open back door and there is Teddy blinking in the light. 
Bellow thanks to Ernextdoor.

Usually Ted spends the evening dozing.  So he'll have been curled up asleep whilst Thunderthighs and I called him from 20.00 onwards (because neither of us heard anything) and then woken up at suppertime wanting fed.

As to the hedgehog:
It had scarpered by the time I got back out with some catfood (which I left down for it). 

So I didn't get a chance to weigh it. The slugs are still coming under the back door - which is probably why it was there - and there are lots of windfall apples for it go at, some in places out of human reach but hedgehog accessible. There are also lots of little dry spots for him/her to huddle away in. Then there's next door and the gardens at the back. But we shall be putting stuff out near the back door for it. And I will catch and weigh it if I see it again.

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