Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Cold Caller #8 Christmas Spirit

From Facebook Archives

23 December 2015 at 09:20 ·

Yesterday the mobile rang and it was a young man with a South London Asian accent with the "According to our records you've had a car accident in the last three years" spiel.

So I went into my whole "No I haven't … You're records are wrong … Where did you get this number?" shtick.

Whereupon he said "Well to be honest with you Ben, we buy the information from data providers, you'll have put your number on some survey or something and they've sold it on to us."

"Well, I've never put down that I've had a car accident" I said "So you spend your whole day phoning complete strangers on the off-chance that they've been in a car crash?"

"Well" he replied "It's a job.  It could be worse.  I could be out in the cold scraping up dog poo and putting it in a bag."

I couldn't help but laugh and wish him a Merry Christmas and a better New Year.

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