Thursday, 10 December 2020

Teddy Tale

From Facebook archives

Some of you may know I've been helping make up knitted teddies at LDNE's Knit&Natter group for older ladies.
Another volunteer is Felicity, who recently retired from doing book-keeping and accounts at LDNE. 
During the past couple of Knit&Natter sessions I've been sorting out the cupboard, finding all sorts of bits including kit-form knitted teddies.  
A teddy is made up of squares and rectangles: one for the body and head and two each for the legs and arms.   
When I sorted the bits a couple of weeks ago I discovered a green set missing an arm.  So I took it home with a ball of matching wool, knitted an arm and took it all back.   
Friday just gone Felicity said she'd sew up teddies whilst I did the cupboard and the ladies did their own thing (there weren't many there due to trips away and the weather).   
Right at bottom of the cupboard amongst a bag of random knitted bits I found the missing green arm.
"Poo! Felicity, I've found that missing green arm.  That green teddy's got three arms now, although the one I did looks entirely different from the other" (I couldn't get the tension the same)
"That's all right. This teddy could have a tail."
"I suppose it could."
Then I noticed the grin playing around Felicity's mouth.
Naughty Felicity!
If you would like to support LDNE you can find details of their Christmas Raffle by clicking on the grey letters.


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