Sunday, 6 December 2020

Cold Caller Bating #6

From Facebook archive

6 December 2013 at 16:22 · ·

Just had a cold call from a company called Stop These Calls (0845 2411 525) who told me I was getting a lot of cold calls from marketing and selling companies and would I like to pay them to stop them.  When I told them we had Telephone Preference Service and pointed out they were cold calling me themselves they went away.

McChurch You had a cold-call from a cold-caller offering to stop cold-calling?   

My head is hurting.  Where is my axe? (Thank you Mrs Fester.)

Mr Twifty  When they ask for you by name you say "Do you have security clearance?" No? Sorry. Ring off

Bentonbag  Child Tax Credit once rang me and then had the cheek to ask me to give proof I was who they were talking to.  The woman was quite taken aback when I said "Well you rang me . How do I know you're who you say you are and are really from HMRC?  You could quite easily be a fraudster trying to get details from me". 

It had never occurred to anyone in Customs & Revenue that that might be the case.   
One should despair but one doesn't.

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