Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Along Came A ...

From Facebook archives

17 March 2013 at 16:58 · ·

So here I am sat minding my own business when I hear Ferretfingers screaming into the kitchen "SPIDER" and Fester trundling into the living room. 
Then he appears in here with this HUGE skinny long legged arachnid crawling all over his hands, observing that he's never seen a Daddy-long-legs spider that big in this house, and asking what he should do with it. 

"Put it outside" says I. 
"Don't be daft it's a house spider" says he.

It's a good thing I'm not an arachnophobe ...


Dulcima Once. a long time ago, my boyfriend of the time said much the same thing - 

"Don't put it out, it's a house spider" 
My reply was: "How long have spiders existed?" 
His reply was "Oh, about 28 million years" 
My question then was "How long have humans existed?" 
"About 2 million years" - 
" So what did spiders do for houses during their first 26 million years?"

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