Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Toaster & Curtain Rail

 This popped up in Facebook memories

11 April 2010

The toaster has died.  Made Fester's toast but refused to stay down for me!!!  That's what you get for buying a £5 toaster from Asda
Ms Exlibris  Ours only cost £3 from Asda with 10% discount as well and we've had it nearly five years! It'll probably pack in tomorrow morning now!
Bentonbag  Ours does get a lot of use with Ferretfingers making himself crumpets for breakfast, after-school-snack and supper if he can get away with it.  The next one is going to be bought with John Lewis vouchers.
Ms Exlibris  Posh toaster.
Bentonbag  My mother always wanted me to be middle class.
Bentonbag  We now have a new Kenwood toaster.
Ms Exlibris  Think that might be upper class.
Bentonbag  or even upper crust (sorry).
later that day
First the toaster now Ferretfingers has brought half the curtain rail down in the living room. 
Any bets on what the third thing to break will be? 
(unless you count the bed Thunderthighs broke in Wales)

15 April 2010 at 19:18 ·

Will Fixit has just 'phoned to say he won't be fixing my curtain rail this evening.   
 Fester took the call which ended with 
"See you tomorrow, when you can explain to Ben why you're not coming this evening".   
Sounded a lot more intimidating than it should

 16 April 2010 at 18:37 ·

Will Fixit is here - operation new curtain rail has begun.


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