Friday, 15 October 2021

Facebook Friends

One of those comment, copy and paste things from Facebook seems to reveal the Chaplaincy, dancing and the boys’ school as the source of many of my friends.

From the archives ...

15 October 2010 at 10:17 ·

How many of us really know everybody on our Facebook friends list??  Here's a task for you!   

I want my FB friends to comment on this status about how you met me.  After you comment, copy this to your status so I can do the same to you.  You'll be amazed at some of the answers you get

Paganess  I know it was over 30 years ago and had to do with dancing, but when and what exactly I have no idea!
Ms Exlibris  First visit to Newcastle Catholic Chaplaincy October 1976 ... and I had to walk the plank over a hole in the floor to get in!
Mrs Yarnfray  At the Journal Bloggers meeting in 2007.  I think I do know all my FB friends now.   
I had a massive friend cull a while back and was pretty ruthless about it.
Bodrhanman  Town Moor, May Day probably in 82 I think!
Ozwife  Woodlawn Parents Teachers & Friends Association about 6 years ago!
Ms LHS  Met you once on a pub crawl in Newcastle in 2005 but have known about you for much longer than that.......
Henlady  Met you through Ferretfingers and further through Thunderthighs.
Mrs Tiler  Through Phil.
Strawangel  Woodlawn PTFA.....pleased to say we're still on each other's friend list even though I'm over 100 miles away now!
Sheamus Murphy  Tried to sell you a ticket to Kingsmen 30th anniversary ceilidh in 1979*.   
You came to ceilidh (but never paid for ticket!)  Ok it was slightly more complicated than that.
*At Newcastle Catholic Chaplaincy, I claim I’ve paid for the ticket many times over in many different ways, just not in cash.

The ‘known about you longer than that’ is relevant to more than one person. 
As I was a life member of Newcastle University Students Union the Kingsmen put me on their membership list as this helped them gain access to the premises for practices, events etc.  My relationship with a certain Kingsman ended and I had little to do with any of them for over a decade, but my name remained and was read out, with all the rest, at their Annual General Meeting.
After Phil died I got involved with rapper dancing again and encountered the new generation of Kingsmen; including he who eventually became Ferretfingers’ Godfather.
“You’re Bentonbag!” he said “Blimey, I thought you were a mythical beast!  I’ve heard your name at every AGM but didn’t believe you really exist.”

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