Looking for manly things at Conwy Castle, October 2011
Leftfoot and I are off into the wilds of Wannie to visit Mr
& Mrs Drummerman, so there will be no blogs until Monday, at the earliest.
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29 October 2011 at
21:20 ·
from Fester on a hat given to me by Bigsister (it no longer goes with her
hair since she let the grey grow in):
"Well it might have some practical value but its sartorial value is zero."
want a second head hat?
29 October 2011 at
21:29 ·
it was time Thunderthighs learned to make his own bed so gave him the sheet,
duvet cover and pillow cases and told him to get on with it.
First excuse "I can't do that it's too girlie."
That went down with his mother as well as you might expect, and he was told
until he found himself a wife as daft as his mother he was going to have to get
on with it.
He managed to get the sheet and pillow cases on but was defeated by the duvet
cover, so I went in and talked him through it.
As he finally
laid it on the bed he said "This duvet cover's too girly"
wrong with it? It's blue!"
got flowers on."
"What should it have on it?"
things!? Like what?"
My hearing's not as sharp as it used to be so I asked him to repeat and spell
"B. O. O. Z. E."
Thomas the Tank Engine and Winnie the Pooh are unacceptable too.
But until I see something suitably "manly" in a charity shop he's
going to have to make do with blue flowery or white flowery and the crochet
blanket on top.
I lost
the hat on a trip to Carmarthen market.
Mrs Quilt
came to my rescue on the duvet cover front.
No longer needing much single bed linen since her children left home she
passed on half a dozen covers with geometric patterns in suitably green, brown,
blue and orange shades, with matching sheets and pillowcases.
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