Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Too Late

From Facebook Archives

19 October 2014 at 16:39·

A slate has flown off next door's roof and scratched the wing of my car.

Can anyone recommend somewhere in the Benton/Heaton/Jesmond area who can do a quick rub down and touch up job at a reasonable price?

? Tyne Bridge Morris? Newcastle Kingsmen??

Mrs Elswick  I wouldn't want the Newcastle Kingsmen to rub down or touch up anything...
Bentonbag  Too late for that!

19 October 2016 at 11:36

Phone rings.  

It's the manager of NTyneside Community Care to ask if Ferretfingers wants to go to their Halloween Party next week. 

As she gave us Teddy I give her an update on how much he's grown since August (almost doubled in size).
"It's the good food and care that does it.  I've got his sister and she's the same.  By the way he's got 3 kittens."
Shortly after Teddy came to us and his sister got taken to the manager's house she popped out three kittens: "And it could only have been him". 

This is why cats need to be neutered at six months, including siblings.

As Squireen's mother once said "They don't care about things like that…"
There is a female tortoishell and two toms: pure black and black with white paws.

Bentonbag:  Squireen - your mum gets a mention.
Goddaughter  Gran said that?!
Bentonbag  Oh yes.  When your mother and I were flatmates and got Tiger and Dominic from the same litter.
Squireen  I don’t remember, but after the way my nana’s cats kept breeding I am not surprised


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