Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Balancing Out

Further to yesterday’s blog

From Facebook archives
21 December 2017 at 11:15 ·

There’s been a flurry of anxiety and change here at Chateau Midden.

First the sports centre changed their Accessible Trampolining to a Thursday, which is when Ferretfingers has been going to theday centre.   

I tried to get his day centre day changed to Friday, but got no reply to my letter.

Then the Adult Learning Alliance cancelled Allotment Gardening because of lack of interest, so his Monday activity was gone.

This morning I got through to the manager of the day centre on the phone and she said Friday was “full and it’s a really noisy group that plays a lot of music”, but Monday would be “a much better day for Ferretfingers all round as it’s a quieter group”.

So from January 8th Ferretfingers’s week should be:

Monday Day Centre (paid for by his care package budget)

Tuesday Country Park Farm (paid for by his care package budget)

Wednesday morning Recycled Art at Adult Learning Alliance supported by Outreach Worker #1, which I will transport him to at 9am (fees not covered in budget)

Thursday afternoon trampolining at the Sports Centre supported by Outreach Worker #2 (not covered in budget).

Which leaves Friday for his father to take him out because there’s no way I’m giving up Knit and natter.

And breathe ...

Woolerwoman  Glad you got trampolining sorted eventually. I bet the Downing Street diary keepers don't have that much trouble.
Mrs Allotment  The trampoline change is causing stress here too. Not least because it was just changed from morning to afternoon a few months ago so he's only just come to terms with that.... and while it was at Killingworth it was way too hard to get to so he didn't go at all! Arggggg....

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