Saturday, 25 June 2022

Alan Bennett Moments

If you’ve read or heard his diaries, or even listened to Dead Ringers, you’ll know what an Alan Bennet moment means.   

From Facebook Archives

25 June 2013 at 20:07 ·
Two Alan Bennett moments out for lunch with Fester today.

Old lady on the table behind us "You know in the whole of his life Gordon never ate a yoghurt .."

Himself in the car on the way home "I've never been able to manage tapioca ..."

Dicky Brown  Splendid.
Mr Gobiron  Yeah - but who eats tapioca?
Bentonbag  We would if the bugger would only learn how to cook it properly.
I’m also reminded of the time when our next door neighbour moved house and gave us the contents of her cereal cupboard rather than take them to her new home.  A couple of days later Fester’s head appeared around the living room door with:
“Don’t you find Shredded Wheat hard to eat?”

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