Sunday, 5 June 2022


My personal Covid journey, and its aftermath,  stopped me mining my Facebook memories archive for blogs. 
A scan for today’s date brought nothing but “My bastard husband is frying bacon downstairs” so I’ve taken the opportunity to look back at things 
I might have used but didn’t.
Considering ‘trying to blog everyday’ started with reporting on Ferretfingers’ broken ankle this one seems particularly appropriate.

Facebook post 1 June 2020

Since his trip in a blue-lit ambulance Ferretfingers has been obsessed with Casualty
24 Hours in A&E etc. and records them on all channels available, new or repeats.
I used to love 24HoursInA&E but, for reasons which may be obvious, since standing there whilst they manipulated his broken ankle, I can no longer bear to watch it.
Miss Doozer  I had noticed he was processing his experience via the medium of Casualty.  There are worse things to watch - I loved the characters on Casualty, Josh and Finn the paramedics, and Charlie and Duffy.  As a young St. John cadet I wanted to grow up and be like them, they were better role models than any pop star.  I think the real star of the show was Bristol though - I was sad when they moved to a studio.  It all went a bit Eastenders in recent years and I stopped watching.
Bentonbag  Apologies - I hope you're not too disturbed by the bellowings of  
Miss Doozer  Don't mind Casualty.  Corrie is a pig of an earworm though.
Bentonbag  It wouldn't be too bad only he demands I listen to everything through headphones lest music be played unexpectedly. It's particularly galling when he plays the Perry Mason theme ad nauseam but screams when I try to watch it.
When he was a toddler my sister and I tried to give my neice/her daughter an illustration of Hilda Ogden's singing.  We did one very vibrato "Naaa na na nana na" his chin wobbled, eyes filled up and he burst out crying.  Upon which we fell about laughing which probably didn't help but it was such an aposite reaction.
Miss Doozer  Yes that must be particularly trying. Hard to believe it's too much of a good thing when you want to watch it once at the start of the programme, but he's been listening to the theme for two hours straight...
Mrs Bun  Ben - We have that with my son EVERY MORNING.  He insists we watch a silent movie and turns the sound right up so we have deafening music.......sometimes he gets us out of bed early and I haven't even had my coffee.  He thinks we need to be entertained as we would be bored otherwise! Xxx
Bentonbag  For those not in the know, Miss Doozer has the misfortune to live in the other half of the semi we inhabit.
Miss Doozer  We have the very great privilege of living next door to an erudite and wise woman and her very interesting and engaging family (two feet and four).
Also, you don't call the police when I do sword-poking practice in the garden, or when Doozer Esquire does his nocturnal torch waving.
Can you imagine if either of us lived next to 'normal' people?

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