Friday, 17 June 2022

Well Known


From Facebook Lockdown Archives
17 June 2020
We've just had the latest delivery of bread from Earth&Fire (operating out of the Rising Sun Farm).
I leave the money in an envelope sticking out of the letterbox.
He puts down the bags of bread, takes the envelope, knocks on the door and retreats to the gate. 
We go to the door and pleasantries are exchanged.
"I know him!" he shouts, pointing at Ferretfingers who has just appeared behind me.
They shout hello at each other.
Similarly yesterday; we go into Family Shopper, pick up some stuff and go to the till.
"Hello Ferretfingers” says the assistant.
I'm still always slightly surprised when people who don't know me know my kids.
Mrs Bun  I'm always saying to young Master Bun "who's that then?"

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