Monday, 15 January 2024

Fifteen Miles From Pendle...

 From Facebook Archives
15 January 2021
Today's exercise for Ferretfingers and me was chopping up the branches from the bay tree I "pruned" last week.  The woody bits are on the logpile.  We now have this rubble bucket full of twigs and leaves.  Anyone who wants some bay leaves is welcome to a bag or three.  Any other ideas?
Miss Doozer  Dry it in bunches, then once they are dry, set fire to a bunch every so often in the front garden whilst reciting something in cod-latin.  Add in pictures of people or things you don't like to the bunch, if you want to.
Whilst having no proven effect as a charm, it definitely keeps the neighbours on their toes.
Bentonbag  Not the ones that know me ...
Miss Doozer  The ones who know you are burning post-its with names on on the patio, so...
Bentonbag  I have quite a lot of old dirty candle wax if you want to make some poppets.
Miss Doozer  Don't tempt me.  Rifling through the bins for the nail clippings and hair of cabinet ministers is not something I want on my criminal record.
Bentonbag  Would a photo of their face stuck on the head work?
Remind me - how far from Pendle were you brought up?
Miss Doozer  It has to be something of theirs, and 'about 15 miles'
Bentonbag  Here's an idea. Email/write to them and ask for a signed photo or autograph, there's bound to be some dna in there somewhere. I'd say a lock of hair to auction for your local Con club or charity, but they couldn't be that daft. Could they?
A mixture of Welsh and Latin might work even better!
McChurch  Well, it would frighten the shite out of me.

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