An hour later I emailed
Will arrived at lunchtime and confirmed that it was the backup battery in the alarm that was letting us know it needed to be replaced. The backup is there in case you have the misfortune to have a simultaneous power cut and conflagration. He will be coming back soon to put new batteries in all three alarms: hall, landing and loft landing. The same ones have been there since we had the loft extension in 2012. Considering they have a life of five years they have done very well and owe us nothing.
He'd brought a suitable battery with him. After he fitted it we came downstairs and stood in the hall for some minutes just to check that there was no more peeping.
Amongst the brass Welsh ladies and other ornaments on the mantelpiece I have a musical ceramic-lady-knitting-with-cat which, when wound up, plays Lara’s Theme from Dr Zhivago. She was an 18th birthday present and hasn’t been wound up for years, but there she was giving out a ‘ting’ every now and again.
A rational explanation might be that the heat of the sun through the bay window had caused something to expand and the mechanism to move and play a note or three.
as I said to Will Fixit, if the Edelweiss playing Swiss chalet music box, which
I bought for Mum on a school trip to Interlaken, starts chiming in I’m
fetching a priest.
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