Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Cat Tales #27 Teddy

Ever since I got Dominic a black witch’s and my first in 1981 I’ve always had a cat, preferably two, and for a short period three, cats.
In this I take after my Welsh Granma.   
When our family home was being cleared my sisters showed me a photo of Granma with a black and white cat; although as it was a black and white photograph it might have been white and any colour.

“I thought Granma didn’t like cats” I said to Bigsister, twelve years my senior.

“Oh she always had a cat, usually two” she replied.

It’s five years since our tabby Matilda was put to sleep, to be replaced a few months later by the psychocat also known as The Ginger Git. 

He seemed so sweet when he arrived …

From Facebook archives …

1 August 2016 at 20:12 ·

The new cat has arrived.

Young intact (not for long) ginger tom so living room now smells a little musky, semi-feral from a stables.

Photos when we're sure it won't freak him out.

He's under a chair eating his second meal of 'proper' catfood.

Thunderthighs is lying on the floor pussy whispering (oh go one it was too good to resist Drummerman).

Ferretfingers has decided he should be called Garfield.
Good to have two cats in the house again.

Miss Doozer  Snip snip ;-)  Let me know if you want to borrow the Feliway.
Henlady  Hurrah. Delighted to read your good news.  Will look forward to his photo.
Bentonbag Update - we decided against Garfield (2 cartoon cats is too much) and after much discussion decided on Teddy - or Edward on Sundays.
Dr E  We have 2 9 wk old kittens. Tom our 21 yr old tabby died the day after we got back from holiday. Ginger tom is called Yanoff and tabby girl Azuel (hero and love interest from son’s novel
Bentonbag Just got back from vets. Snip day next Monday. Not sure how Felix is going to cope until then as Teddy is very feisty!

3 August 2016 at 11:43 ·

Last night, Felix being out, I let Teddy have a bit explore beyond the living room.   
He came upstairs.   
The bathroom door was slightly open.   
Fester gets out of the bath, sits on the edge, opens the door and says "Hello Teddy, here boy."
Teddy takes one horrified look at this hairy naked dripping apparition and scarpers back downstairs to his 'safe place' on the sewing cabinet by the back window.


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