Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Cat Tales #28 More Annus Horribilis

As I’ve mentioned before, 2012 was our annus horribilis. 

Both Fester and I had health scares.  His brother was discovered dead on the weekend of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.  The day before the funeral ThunderThursday flooded Thunderthighs' school.  Over the next two months both my last remaining uncle and my first/late husband’s father died; they were in their nineties but it was still hard to handle.  We spent every other weekend in Sheffield clearing and dismantling Fester’s old family home.  It was easier to bring a lot of it back here to sort out (thank goodness for the Multipla’s boot).  Meanwhile Will Fixit was adding to the chaos converting the loft into a bedroom plus en-suite, so that Thunderthighs and Ferretfingers could have separate rooms.  The house became a cross between Steptoe’s yard and a building site. 
From Facebook Archives …

24 August 2012 at 10:22 ·

And now - went to call the cats in last night to find Matilda lying distressed at the back of the lawn: head shaking, legs not working and eyes flicking.

Went into the house and told Fester, who was emerging from his bath, he immediately goes out into the garden, stark bollock naked, picks her up and carries her in.   

Thank goodness the neighbours’ security lights don’t reach as far as our garden.

Mad phonecall and midnight dash to the overnight vets in Sherriff's Hill; praying 

"We've lost a brother-in-law, father-in-law and uncle - we can't lose the cat as well.”

She probably has the cat equivalent of labyrinthitis (inner ear infection - I've had it - it's horrid). Injection of antibiotic, steroid and antinausea.  

Spent the night next to her on the living room floor (upside no snoring) and now off to Strachan & Tyson.

Wonder what this summer will throw at us next?

Kentishlady  Poor Matilda.  Hope she has a speedy recovery.
Bentonbag  Another antibiotic jab at vets and tablets and liquid twice daily for the next week or so - which somewhat scuppers our plans to do more sorting in Sheffield this bank holiday weekend.
Dulcima  What summer?  Hope the cat is getting better, too!
Bentonbag  I'm using summer purely in a chronological sense
Henlady  Big hugs to you all and for Matilda.  Do hope she recovers quickly.  It is awful trying to comfort a sick pet.
Bentonbag  She's refusing to drink, or eat, and getting really upset when I try and get medicine down her and just drools horribly.  Feeling rather useless and very worried about her.
Dulcima  Poor thing.  That's awful - both for her, and you.
Mrs Whyte  Sorry to hear about Matilda hope she's on the mend soon you could try chicken sandwich paste or cheese in a ball round the pill it works for with our Meg and it’s a lot less stressful.

25 August 2012

Bentonbag  My next door neighbours have been looking after her today, while we've taken Fester to Sheffield, and worked wonders getting fluid and food into her.   
That and a day of peace and quiet has done her good.  She's still very wobbly but her eyes have stopped flickering.  But not looking forward to pill and medicine time!
Henlady  Glad to hear she is making progress.  Be strong at pill time, she is worth it! Hugs
Dulcima  Fingers crossed the good progress continues.

26 August 2012

Bentonbag  Let Matilda out of the living room this morning so she could have a bit of exercise.  She has a terrific list to starboard but has worked out that if she leans up against the wall whilst walking she's less likely to fall over.  Proceeded this way to the kitchen, dischuffed at not being allowed out the back door so proceeded to the stairs, and then slowly up them to the landing.  Thunderthighs and I dash up and close the bedroom doors so she can't hide under a bed.  She settles on the landing.  We go downstairs then Thunderthighs goes up to get ready to go out, comes back down 
"Matilda is in my room".  
Tell him to go up and hang duvet over the side of the bed so she can't get under.  
He comes back down "I've been a silly boy".  
So now I have to drag the cat out from under the bed to medicate her - so she'll be twice as furious - and she's getting stronger!!
St Bernard Awaw. Was at Sherriff's Hill emergency vet with Skip a coupla weeks back. Hope she gets well soon xx

27 August

Mr Melodeon  How is Matilda's recuperation programme proceeding?
Bentonbag  She's spent most of today as far under the couch as she can get, deigned to lick fish paste off my finger but refuses to come out so I shall have to shift furniture before medicine time
Mr Melodeon  Kindness cures!  This sounds like progress anyway--a good sign.
Dulcima  Getting stronger may make her harder to medicate, but it seems like a good sign.
Bentonbag  We're now down to half a tablet twice a day and this morning she licked it off my finger secreted in fish paste
Henlady  Carry on the great work, kisses to Matilda and get well wishes speeding to her.

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