Saturday, 4 March 2023

Music Challenge Memory

I can’t remember which Facebook friend challenged me to do this. 

This and tomorrow’s posts were the only ones archived.
Bereavement and grieving never truly end, you adapt yourself and your life as you carry it with you, so that, eventually, nobody notices the weight, unless you let them or they are very close.
But there are milestones along the way, and this was one of mine.
From Facebook Archives
4 March 2016 at 16:25
Day 6 of the 7 Day Music Challenge
The Cheap Sunglasses Serenaders used to play this. 
The May Day after Phil died I got in my car at 4am to go to the Town Moor and dance at dawn, remembering that the previous May Day he'd been there with me. 
I put on the cassette-radio and this came out. 
I was transported to the back room of the Broken Doll with him and George performing to the Sunday lunchtime crowd. 
The guitar solo brought such a clear mental image of him fit and well turning on the sound effects pedals with his red kicker shoes; I had to smile. 
And the lyrics seemed aposite too.

Post Script 
Looking for links for this blog I googled Cheap Sunglasses Serenaders and found that someone had put their cassette on Youtube.  
I'm listening to it as I type.  
No tears just smiles and delighted laughter.
Another milestone? 
pps George was from Byker, Phil from Wallsend
ppps Kudos to George Bosnyak who devised and took this photo, which worked on t-shirts, posters and this photograph of a much folded poster.

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