Tuesday, 21 March 2023

Too Much Technology

Our cordless phone system has three handsets: on the base with an answering machine in the living room, in the loft and in the office.  The theory is that anyone, usually me if I’m in, can pick up anywhere without having to break a neck rushing downstairs or from the kitchen or wherever.

Each handset has a different ringtone.   

For the office I selected The Entertainer (used in  
The Sting) which, surprisingly, Fester likes.   
The handsets can also be used as an intercom system, which has its own ringtone.

Being the youngest sibling and having worked in offices I’ve learnt that when making a cup of tea or coffee one should always ask if anyone else nearby wants one.

So whenever I do so, and himself is in, I bellow 
“Do you want a cup of tea/coffee?” up the stairs towards the office where he is usually esconced.
I have to bellow as he is increasingly deaf and always has the radio or iPlayer on. Also I’m not prepared to climb up and downstairs twice if he wants one.

Last Sunday morning, having bellowed “Do you want cup of tea?” three times up the stairs, I had a bright idea and went to the downstairs phone.

Pressed intercom and selected Handset 3.
It rang out for far longer than I expected; so long I thought he might be in the bedroom.
Eventually I heard Fester’s voice “Hullo?”
“Do you want a cup of tea?”
“Yes please.  I’ve been looking everywhere for your mobile phone … there’s too much bloody technology in this house.”

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