Monday, 27 April 2020

Cat Tale #4 Inky Ear

Teddy has just come in with what appears to be black ink on his ear.
Miss Doozer Oil? Childhood moggy #1 (also a Ginger Git) used to get under the cars and come back with streaks of oil on him. Made a change from blood (his own, sometimes, more frequently other animals') and pus (from abscesses, from fighting...)
Bentonbag My first instinct was oil but it was far too runny and not sticky or oily.
Miss Doozer I wouldn't put it past him to start a fight with a squid...
Bentonbag a sick one?
Miss Doozer It's got a lot of feet to attack...*

Then this gif appeared on the thread ...

Bentonbag What on earth did you put in the search box to get that?
Miss Doozer cat / octopus?

*For those not in the know Teddy The Ginger Git has an obsession with bare feet and will attempt to eat any that come within range.  He frequently has Thunderthighs (6ft 4ins and built like a brick outhouse) dancing and squealing like a little girl.

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