Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Shopping Again

From Facebook
All change at Sainsbury's today. 
No huge queue. 
Nobody counting people in and out. 
No 'just one person per household'. 
As a result we were in and out much quicker. 
Only snags: they weren't taking the Guardian chitty (so we gave them the Guardian back) and the woman on the till didn't realise spring onions were salad not vegetables.
Not getting the Guardian gave Fester a reason to take Ferretfinger for a walk up to the newsagents.
His gait is still pretty penguin like but then it always was (Ferretfinger's that is).
Still no flour though - unless you want to pay £1 for a small bag of Ciabatta flour.
Erica Yes we were there this morning, straight in no queue. Good to hear Ferretfinger’s doing well.
Mrs Banjoman Not sure if that is good news or not. The supermarkets here are still restricting numbers. Do they have tape measuring 2 metre grids?
Bentonbag Still there.  It would help if people didn't stop and stare bovinely at the stuff you want to get next.
Mrs PH Yes, often wonder why people do that in normal circumstances (and then walk off without buying whatever it was or anything similar) now people are just flummoxed.
Mrs Lasagne Still doing it the way they were here, hand basket cleaning before we go in , social distancing and very calm and organised here xxxx

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