Wednesday, 22 April 2020

More Signs Of Recovery

Ferretfinger must be getting better. He's just retuned all the tellies.
He even climbed up to the loft in order to try and retune Thunderthighs’ but I managed to stop him at the door as the Penthouse is sacrosanct and out of bounds.
Mrs Leftfooter I laughed out loud. X

Now his ankle is fixed Ferretfingers is beginning to get cabin fever.

To be fair since 7th February the poor boy has only seen his cubicle on Ward 22, our living room and his bedroom.  The only trips out have been to the fracture clinic and, in the past week or so, a few walks up to the newsagent, Iceland and the post office (to change bags of 20p coins into notes) with his father.  He was desperate to come food shopping with Thunderthighs and me today, but it’s difficult enough to get one boy in let alone two.

I would love to drive to the coast or country park for a walk but all the parking places are roped off.  I doubt the people living near the country park would exactly welcome strangers parking in their street.

In normal times we go away quite a lot;  a holiday cottage in Wales at Easter;  long train trips or driving around Scotland;  mid-weeks or weekends away.  

When the boys were small Fester did a lot of entomological consultancy work, which meant trips away to sample waterways, old industrial and potential development sites requiring environmental impact reports.  So from birth they've been used to going away from home for a couple of nights every few months.

This is probably the longest time the boys have stayed in their own home, and not gone away, since they were born.

Ferretfingers keeps asking “Scotland/Inverness/Wales in June/August/October?” and “Lockdown ending May the 7th?” and, most plaintively, “When will lockdown be over?”

One does try to keep positive but there are days ….

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