Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Goodbye Washers

Despite initially saying it might take weeks (causing me some desperation) Ferretfingers’s enablement officer managed to get carers to come in every morning to wash and dress him.  I insisted that this would continue until Ferretfingers could get himself upstairs and in and out of the bath.
His washers were lovely young people, down to earth, practical and caring. 
They didn’t turn a hair when I opened the door to them in my dressing gown, or fresh from the shower and wrapped in towels, or when I was poorly and looking like the wreck of the Hesperus (as my mother used to say).
They don’t get the pay or credit they deserve.

Wayne and Shannon the washers came this morning. Ferretfingers announced "I had a bath last night."
Wayne said "So you won't be needing us any more."
I said "Yes, and thank you so much. I don't know about Ferretfingers but you've been a real help to me. I was at the end of my tether when you started and it's been such a help having you come in a wash him. You've kept me this side of sanity."
And I gave them some of the chocolates from the stash Mrs Bursar sent me saying "I'll only eat them, save me from myself."
So now there'll be no-one but us going in and out.  
Thank God the weather is good and Thunderthighs and I can get out in the back garden.
Yesterday we planted some spuds that had chitted in the veg rack in an old dustbin. This morning we got the last of the parsnips and carrots (and an self grown potato) out of the newest bed, topped it up with compost from one of the tubs, fed it with worm water and planted more parsnips (Hollow Crown).

Mrs PH Progress!! Lockdown won't feel so bad for those of us with gardens.xx
Bentonbag I know. I really know how lucky I am to have somewhere outside to go and see a bit of green and a bit of nature. This morning a starling and a robin serenaded me as I sat under the bower wondering how the frogspawn was getting on. The starling actually went on the feeder with me only a few feet away. Until Teddy leapt on the table below it with obvious intent; but the starling just jumped up to a higher branch and chattered at us until we went away.

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