Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Shopping & Dropping

Thunderthighs and I have had quite a busy morning. 
First to Sainsbury's where they have reinstated the queue and one-person-per-household (maybe it was quieter last week). 
Then a drive around Heaton dropping off: buttons, material and a pumpkin at Kentishlady's; a pumpkin and marrow at Mrs Elswitch's; the same at Mrs Leftfooter's whilst collecting last year's tomato pots and trays.
Now to blog and back to the sewing machine, if I can work up the enthusiasm.
Kentishlady  Thank you!
Bentonbag  - Bodrhanman I still have some seedlings left. I'm leaving them next to the chimney pot under the bay window where it's nice and sunny.  The ones which I know for definite are pumpkin and marrow are labelled, the others I'm not sure of are either one or the other or from saved seeds from last year.  But I'm sure they'll produce something interesting and edible.
Bodrhanman  Ta very. Can I get them on way back from the care home tomorrow? Will leave some hush(bagged bread flour)!
Bentonbag Certainly
Mrs Leftfooter  Thanks. A lovely gift when I got home from work. X

Kentishlady is making scrubs, laundry/wash bags and mask holders to donate to NHS.   
My needlework skills aren’t up to that but I have a good horde of buttons which have been thinned out, and a good use was found for the linings of some cannibalised curtains and a 70s print kingsize duvet cover whose seam had gone: all cotton or polycotton and able to stand up to a hot wash.

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