Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Like father like son?

Yes, dear reader, we're back to edited and extended facebook posts

This afternoon Fester and I were reminiscing about the time he, in an introductory meeting with the head of Glebe Special Needs School, described Ferretfingers as "as cunning as a bag of rats".

The head looked shocked then disapproving, more at the politically incorrect description than the fact.  But, like most professionals we’ve encountered she learnt the truth the hard way.  
They had to change the combinations on the classroom locks every month or so because he cracked them so quickly, getting into parts of the school he shouldn't have and institgating searches when he was discovered missing.  He was nine at the time. 

A while ago Ferretfingers subscribed us, via the tivo box, to Kid's Channels which, I complained, cost me £5 a month.
He has duly handed me a five pound note on the first of the month ever since.
In fact the week up to the end of the month is punctuated with "Mummy's getting a fiver in five days time" - or however many days apply.

My antique mobile does not do video but I've discovered one can Whatsapp on a tablet.
I've, frequently, ask him to lend me an old one that he doesn't use; to no avail.

I've just wandered down into the kitchen and casually asked Fester "I wonder how much Ferretfingers would sell me one of his tablets for?"
His reply:
"Why not ask him to rent you one for a fiver a month?"

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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