Monday, 3 August 2020

Cat tale #13

Facebook posts 3 August 2016

Last night, Felix cat being out, I let Teddy cat have a bit explore beyond the living room.
He came upstairs.
The bathroom door was slightly open.
Fester gets out of the bath, sits on the edge, opens the door and says
"Hello Teddy, here boy."
Teddy takes one horrified look at this hairy dripping apparition and scarpers back downstairs to his 'safe place' on the sewing cabinet by the back window.

Senior moment?
I've just had this conversation with himself with regard to today's menu.
Him "We've got lots of cooked spuds that need using up and a lot of mushrooms."
Me "What about a Spanish omlette?"
Him "You need potatoes for a Spanish omelette."

I worry about our future I really do; we're already not dealing with a full pack.

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