Friday, 4 September 2020

Ear Is The News

Further to yesterday’s blog 4th September 2015 had its moments too ...

4 September 2015 at 15:25
Just back from the Hospital where we were summoned to get the wick out of Ferretfingers's ear and follow up from Tuesday.
A nice Scandinavian lady pulled it out of his right ear with some small tweezers then hoovered the wax out of both his ears.
There was an amazing amount of it and some bits were really big and hard – looked like really craggy mouse droppings.
The stuff in the left ear was so hard that she had to put in bicarbonate of soda drops two or three times to loosen it.
He was really good considering the amount of hissing and squeaking going on inside his ear.
Anyway we are to continue the drops and antibiotics until they are finished.
Then apply olive oil drops to both ears twice a week in perpetuity to keep the wax soft.
And when he’s having a hair wash or shower put cotton wool coated in vaseline into his ear to stop the water getting in.
She said not to worry about the ear defenders, they’re better than the ones that go in the ear.
And that his right ear will always be sensitive to infections.
I am now going for a cup of tea.

Mrs Lasange Aw it's amazing how wax builds up xxx

Miss Fiddle My Dad has sensitive ears and uses drops daily and has them hoovered out once a year to prevent infections - when he didn't bother going one year 'cos he hadn't had any problems he then got another infection and it took ages to get re- referred for the hoovering. (Syringing at the doctors just gives him another infection...)

Bazoukiboy One lump or two?


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