... as Mother used to say.
The Lockdowns meant that LD:NorthEast had to find different ways of helping their service users; wherever
possible full use was made of information technology and the internet. Management and admin staff worked from home
and outreach workers turned into personal shoppers, or a meals on wheels
service, so that those living alone could at least see a familiar friendly face
once a day; albeit at the end of the garden path. Within a few weeks regular Zoom meetings were
set up so that people could see and talk with their friends or get advice,
information and counselling.
Ferretfingers would tune into the Wednesday Weekly chat, say hello to a
couple of people and then wander off; leaving me to take over his headphones
and join in. I actually got to know some
of the service users, and staff, better this way than I would have in the
normal run of events.
From Facebook Archives
18 November 2020
I've been knitting fiddly little things with fine yarn, more clothes for
dementia dollies, and getting a bit jaded.
Then in
the LDNE zoom chat this afternoon little Alison asked if I could do a knee
blanket for her elderly uncle, who I made a twiddle muff for last year.
Such a
nice change to get out a 5mm crochet hook and all those bits of stray and
strange yarn that would be no use for anything else. I'm planning a mixture of
crochet and knitted squares depending on the textures of the different yarns -
all donated.
As soon
as I say I volunteer at a charity knit'n'natter group people offer yarn and, as
one of Mother's sayings was "Refuse nothing but blows", I always
accept. The stash will all eventually be
used or go to a good home.
Uncle Jack's blanket
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