Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Teddy Trauma

Teddy came to us in August 2016, replacing Matilda who had passed away around the May bank holiday.

He was 8 months old, from a stable and semi-feral.  But he soon learnt where food, warmth and affection lay and is a lovely, clean, cat who, despite being neutered, seems to love us.  Although he has a very loud purr he seldom vocalises and has quite a soprano mew for such a macho ginger tom. 
From Facebook archives - feeling worried…
8 November 2016 at 08:42 · 
Teddy went out yesterday teatime and is still not home. 
Hagrid  Teddy?  A cat? 
Drummerman  Hope he shows up soon. 
Bentonbag  Teddy's home.   
I was hanging out of Ferretfingers'/back-bedroom window looking up and down the back gardens when I heard a huge "MEW".  Hurtled downstairs and there he was on the back windowsill only slightly wet at the edges.  He smells strongly of leylandii (fir) trees.  I think when the rain started yesterday evening (and it was tipping down) he found a dry place up a tree and was sensible enough to stay there.  Has been fussed and fed.  Panic over. 
Henlady  I know the feeling.  So glad Teddy is back.

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