Friday, 25 November 2022

I've No Idea Either

I wasn’t going to blog today because this morning I had a Board of Trustees and Annual General Meeting 
(regular readers may be pleased to hear I’m still Vice-Chair of LD:North East) so wouldn’t have time.
However the following came up in my Facebook Archives …
This is for today and tomorrow (when I shall be busy doing a stall of Knit’n’natter stuff at a Christmas craft fair)

25 November 2018 at 15:41 

As Fester is away with Conway sussing out the suitability of pubs in Shrewsbury for a Haymarket crawl, Thunderthighs and I have been discussing tea.  Fester has bought some roasted chicken thighs (Iceland special offer) to be warmed through but what to go with them?   

No potatoes in the house and no Smash either.   

"What about garlic bread?" says I "You could cook them at the same time as the chicken."

Thunderthighs finds 2 garlic baguettes in the freezer and says approvingly 

"Chicken and garlic bread, the blackman's dream." 

No.  I've no idea either, and haven't laughed as much or been as surprised by him since we were watching the installation of JohnBercow as House of Commons Speaker.

I explained it was the first time the Speaker had been voted for in a secret ballot and he was the first jewish person to hold the position. 

"Jewish" hummed Thunderthighs "Is he beige?" 

I reported this to Sir Alan Campbell MP whilst making polite conversation the next Boxing Day morning (Woodlawn School XmasPudding Fun Run). 

"Well I've heard him called many things" said the Rt Hon Privy Counsellor 

"but I've never heard him called beige."


25 November 2018 at 19:45 

Just been watching Dr Who in the loft with Thunderthighs.

I made some comment and he raised his right eyebrow.

I was astonished (yes, twice in one day!) and said

"You can raise one eyebrow!  I can't raise one eyebrow!"

"Apparently neither can half of the people in my class" he replied smugly.

He looked even smugger when I suggested he could be the next Roger Moore.

Sheamus Murphy  Is that also a Mr Fridge thing?
Mr Fridge  Yep practiced for months aged 14 so I might be taken for The Saint at the youth club disco - happy days.  It's a true Life Skill.
Mrs Allottment   It sure is.  My dad could raise each eyebrow separately, also wiggle his ears.  My hero!
Mr Fridge  I seem to have lost my halo since 14 though😉


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