Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Boxing Day Hat

For more years than I care to think about I was secretary of Woodlawn School Parents & Friends Association.    
I spent many Boxing Day mornings on Whitley Bay links with the Rt Hon Sir AlanCampbell, Member of Parliament for Tynemouth, who has turned out since 1997 to start the Xmas Pudding Fun Run. 
From Facebook Archives 
2 November 2016 at 17:02  
Discussing the Xmas Pudding Fun Run at the Woodlawn Parents & Friends meeting on Monday I pointed out that I'm easily recognised as I always wear my 101 Dalmations hat and proper coat on Boxing Day "because I'm usually shmoozing Alan Campbell MP". 
Just had an email exchange with Woodlawn’s Business Manager about an event next week where we've been asked to provide refreshments.
"Shall I wear my WPFA t-shirt?" I asked. 
"No!!!" came the reply "I expect the same bling as Alan Campbell gets." 
Showed this to Fester who said 
“Fur hat Indoors?  You have to be at least 60 for that.  Oh!   
I forgot!  You are.” 
He’s either a silver tongued barsteward or senility’s creeping in.
Mrs Poet   I do think it looks like a Spotted Dick hat. 
Bentonbag  The pudding or the disease? 
Woolerwoman  Love your spotted hat! There's a subtle evocation of custard and brandy butter within the deep indulgent crown and sheltering, snow defiant brim.  That'll be £75.00 .. Got a hat you need justifying? 
Bentonbag  Several

Hat History

I only knew Fester’s parents for a couple of years before they passed away.
Ferretfingers’ first Christmas we spent at my family home in Wales, my last one there.
Fester’s dad Fred died shortly after we discovered I was pregnant with Thunderthighs.
That and the following Christmas we spent in Sheffield with his mother, Jean, before she too passed away.
Jean was mostly housebound so gave me some cash in lieu of a gift, which I spent on this really warm winter hat that only comes out in the worst of weathers.   
No animal was harmed in its creation

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